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Robert Moton Elementary PTO

We are parents just like you!  We want to help support the students and staff at RME by planning fun events, letting our staff know we appreciate them, and provide those “extras” the teachers need to make a better learning day for our kids…. but we can’t do it all without YOU!  There are only 5 of us and always lots to do!  Come to  a meeting and you’ll see we are FUN too!!

Please check out the calendar and blog often for the latest information!

Parent- Teacher- Organization
P-  a mother or a father. A protector or guardian.
T- a person who teaches or instructs, esp. as a profession; instructor.
O- a group of persons organized for some end or work; association: a nonprofit organization.
Are you one of the above?
If you answered YES, then you’re already a member!